Delay Speech and langauge Treatment

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Speech & language development Treatment

What is you Treatment?

We understand how difficult it is when patients came to know that child has some speech delay due to some associated speech disorder like Developmental delay, Hearing impairment, Down syndrome, Autism/ADHD, Cerebral palsy etc. That highly interfere daily lifestyle, Academics, Socialization, Relationship, Social negligence and inferiority feeling can be seen in parents. Drspectra offers diagnostics and therapeutic solution which aims to improve the child receptive and expressive language skill rapidly. In diagnostic procedure, we evaluate the speech and language disorder via standard test and equipment. In therapeutic procedure we usually provide complete solution of communication development in term of comprehension and verbal expression in children with delayed speech and language with Down syndrome, Autism/ADHD, developmental delay, Hearing impairment, cochlear implant etc. through medicated therapeutic Speechifi device with practice material under professional services. 30 minute daily practice as prescribed will give speedy improvement in Child Speech and language development. Speechifi device helps to train and stimulate the brain for speedy speech and language development in both clinical and Non-clinical situation. Regular use of this proven medicated therapeutic solution under professional guidance helps in boost confidence and speedy improvement. Results show that the success rate is up to 90%. We are leading solution for such speech and language problem where patient gets instant relief by using the Speechifi device in systematic and effective way. Multimodality approach of speech solution captures child attention and improves sitting, eye contact and verbal expressive language skill of child. Success rate is itself captured by top medical institutions in India. Till now we have data of success stories around 1000+ patients who are using satisfyingly our treatment. We provide a protocol-led treatment plan administered by highly qualified and expert person at your convenience.

Our Treatment Evaluated By

All India Institute of Speech and Hearing (AIISH), Mysore

Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)

Department of science and technology (DST)


Research Study Results

Benefits to Child:

Speech development can be started as early as 1.8year of age
Speedy speech and language development in term of vocabulary enhancement and language development
Learning duration is almost half for communication development
Easily mingle up in same age group children
Normal school integration
Child learn more meaningful
Social acceptance is high
Self-initiation and self-expressive
Confident and motivated

When do you need us?

Children develop skills at different rates, but by 3 years usually children will:

Listen to and remember simple stories with pictures.
Understand longer instructions, such as 'make car jump' or 'where's mummy's slipper?'
Understand simple 'who', 'what' and 'where' questions.
Use up to 300 words vocabulary
Join 4 or 5 words together to make short sentences, such as 'want more cookies' or ‘he took my bat’.
Ask lots of questions. They will want to find out the name of things and learn new words.
Use action words as well as nouns, such as ‘run’, ‘fall’, ‘sleep’, ’drink’, etc.
Start to use simple plurals by adding‘s’, for example ‘shoes’ or ‘cars’.
Often have problems saying more difficult sounds like sh, ch, th and r. However,
People that know them can mostly understand them.
Now play more with other children and share things.
Most of the sound are clearly articulated.
Speech is clearly audible and louder

If you feel above following things are not done by your child or lacking somewhere you must consult us as soon as possible.


Doesn't say "mama" or "dada"
Doesn't use gestures such as waving, shaking his/her head, or pointing
Doesn't practice using at least a couple of consonants (like p or b, for example)
Doesn't understand and respond to words such as "no" and "bye-bye"
Isn't pointing out things of interest such as a bird or airplane overhead
Doesn't say single words by 15 months
Doesn't babble as if talking

By 18 months:
Doesn't point to at least one body part when asked
Isn't somehow communicating to you when she needs help with something or pointing to what she wants
Doesn't say at least 6 words

Between 19 and 24 months:

Doesn't have a rapidly growing vocabulary (about one new word a week)

By 24 months:
Doesn't respond to simple directions
Doesn't pretend with her dolls or herself (like brushing her hair or feeding her doll)
Doesn't imitate the actions or words of others
Can't point to named pictures in a book
Can't join two words together
Doesn't know the function of common household objects (like a toothbrush or fork)

By 25 months:
Doesn't use any two- to four-word simple sentences
Can't name a few body parts
Has difficulty completing familiar nursery rhymes
Doesn't ask simple questions

By 30 months:
Can't be understood by anyone in her family

By age 3:
Doesn't use any pronouns (I, you, me)
Can't be understood by strangers most of the time
Can't speak in short phrases
Can't understand short instructions
Has no interest in interacting with other children
Has extreme difficulty separating from a parent
Has very unclear speech
Still stutters frequently (has true difficulty producing a sound or word) and has facial grimacing

Causes of Speech Delay

When Do Kids Develop Speech and Language Skills?

The stages of speech and language development are the same for all kids, but the age at which kids develop them can vary a lot.
During routine well-child checkups, doctors look to see if kids have reached developmental milestones at these ages:

Before 12 Months

Till the first birthday, babies should be using their voices to relate to their environment. Cooing and babbling are early stages of speech development. Till 9 months, babies begin to string sounds together, use different tones of speech, and say words like "mama" and "dada" (without really understanding what those words mean).

Till 12 months of age, babies should also start paying attention to the sound and start recognizing the names of common objects (bottle, etc.). Babies who watch intently but don't react to sound could be showing signs of hearing loss.

By 12 to 15 Months

Kids at this age should have a wide range of speech sounds in their babbling like p, b, m, d, or n. They begin to imitate sounds and words they hear, and often say one or more words (not including "mama" and "dada"). Nouns usually come first, like "baby" and "ball." They also should be able to understand and follow simple one-step directions ("Please give me the toy," etc.).

From 18 to 24 Months

Most (but not all) toddlers can say about 20 words by 18 months and 50 or more words by the time they turn 2. By age of 2, kids starts to combine two words to make simple sentences such as "baby crying" or "Daddy big." A 2-year-old should be able to identify common objects (in person and in pictures); pointing to eyes, ears, or nose when asked; and follow two-step commands ("Please pick up the toy and give it to me," for example).

From 2 to 3 Years

Parents often see huge gain in their child's speech. A toddler's vocabulary should increase to (too many words count) and he or she should routinely combine three or more words into sentences.

Comprehension should also increase — by the age of 3, a child should begin to understand what it means to "put it on the table" or "put it under the bed." Kids also should begin to identify colors and understand descriptive concepts (for example big versus little).


Detail assessment:

  • Child assessment
  • Severity scale Assessment
  • Detail Report

Monthly package

  • Detail assessment
  • Therapy Device for one month
  • Parental Training
  • Four Therapy sessions

Three month package

  • Detail assessment
  • Therapy Device for three month
  • Parental Training
  • Twelve Therapy sessions
  • Full Progress Report

Why choose our speech and language development service?

Capture child’s attention toward stimulation
Improve eye contract by Speechifi device
Clinical evaluation team
Advanced technology
Improve comprehension of child
Improve expressive skill of child
Child learn more meaningful rather repeating
Multimodality stimulation under expert guidance
Parental training
Treatment plan
More focused on child’s communication enhancement
Overall improve your daily lifestyle
24*07 costumer support
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FAQ of Child Speech Development Treatment

Drspectra provides advanced technology based treatment for Delayed Speech and Language problem. Where detailed evaluation of DSL is done by using advanced device and standard performa. After that parents are suggested the best solution Speechifi device under guidance of professional for improving receptive and expressive speaking skills of child with delayed speech and language problem. Treatment is given with complete services along with the speechifi device. The team of professionals works for rapid improvement in behavioral, social, non-verbal and verbal receptive and expressive language skill of child. Regular monitoring progress of child and setting goals and task for home are highly helpful in fast speech and language development in short duration.

Yes speechify device is very effective in all delayed speech and language cases. Delay of speech and language gap can be filled with regular use of Speechifi device. Success rate is 90-95%. It is helpful in social interaction, behavioral development of child, discrimination and recognition ability, understanding simple and complex commands and overall all preschooler development can be achieved with extensive use of speechify device under Drspectra team guidance.

Speechify device is a multimodality based equipment which is provided with full of guidance of professionals and also complete speech and language development training to parents. Device is combined with auditory, visual and tactile modality that directly works on speech and language areas of brain that result in fast speedy improvement in receptive and expressive language skill of child in short duration.

Treatment duration is 3-6 month.

Most of the speech and language disorder have components of delayed speech and language. They all need intensive speech and language stimulation at right age. They need familiar environment and multimodality based stimulation to understand and express their feeling. Drspectra considers all aspects for speedy improvement in child. Thus speechifi device is providing all aspects for fast speech and language development in child at their appropriate age.

No, you need to visit first time for assessment and training. After this, we give device for home. You need to use device at home for 30 minute a day. Drspectra do follow-up via phone or video call.


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