Now Stammering Can be curable by advance technology

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Comprehensive Stammering Treatment Service

Our Stammering Treatment

Around 2% population is suffering from stammering in India. We understand how difficult it is when we stuck suddenly while speaking during conversation or when we have difficulty in initiating our speech without any cause. This interfere is in our daily lifestyle, Academics, Socialization, Relationship and our carrier growth. DrSpectra offers diagnostics and therapeutic solution that aim is to improve the fluency rapidly. Since Dysfluencies (Repetitions, Pause, Prolongation, Unclear speech due to merging sounds while speaking) are from childhood or later childhood. In diagnostic procedure we evaluate the Dysfluencies in reading and speaking via standard test and equipment. In therapeutic procedure we usually provide complete solution of stuttering/stammering through medicated therapeutic Speakfluent device with practice material under professional services.30 minute daily practice as prescribed will give speedy improvement in fluency within 1week.90-95% fluency development seen within 3 month at your home itself . Speakfluent device helps to train the brain for fluent speech clinically and Nonclinically(in front of stranger, group ,telephonic) both situation. Regular use of this proven medicated therapeutic solution helps in boost confidence and speedy improvement. We provide a protocol-led treatment plan administered by highly qualified & expert personnel at your convenience. Results show that the success rate is up to 90%. We are leading solution for such fluency problem where patient gets instant relief by using the Speakfluent device. Success rate is itself captured by top medical institutions in India. Till now we have data of success stories around 1000+ patients who are using satisfyingly our treatment at their convenience.

Our Stammering Treatment Evaluated By

All India Institute of Speech and Hearing (AIISH), Mysore

Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)

Department of science and technology (DST)

Our Stammering Treatment

Research Study Results

Video Testimonials

Benefits to Patients:

Fluent speaking while conversation and reading
High confidence
Good carrier growth
Fluent while stranger talking
Confident in group discussion
Fluent telephonic conversation
No hesitation
90% Success rate of
No side effect
Validation /evaluated by top medical institution
1000+ patients already used
Complete treatment duration1- 3months
Weekly follow up by professional

When do you need us?

You stuck suddenly while speaking during conversation or when you have difficulty in initiating speech without any cause.
When your daily lifestyle is affecting due to stuttering/stammering
Inferiority complex by not being fluent.
When you need solution at your convenience and speedily
When you want to become fluent and confident in group discussion or stranger


Physical changes like facial expression, lip tremors, excessive eye blinking, raising eyebrow, flaring nostrils, shaking leg, lunching hand and tension in the face, neck and upper body
Frustration and irritation when attempting to communicate
Hesitation or pause before starting to speak or initiating speech.
Refusal to speak
Using interjections of extra sounds or words into sentences, such as “uh” or “um” while speaking
Part or full repetition of words or phrases
Tensioning in the voice
Replacing or rearrangement of words in a sentence while speaking
Making long sounds with words, such as: “My name is sooomaayaa”
Problems communicating with superior, teacher, stranger.
Being anxious or tense about speaking
Not speaking or avoiding situations
Loss of social, school, or work participation
Being bullied or teased
Low self-esteem

Causes of Stammering

Possible causes of developmental stuttering include:

Abnormalities in speech motor control: Some evidence indicates that abnormalities in speech motor control, such as timing, sensory and motor coordination, may be involved.

Genetics: Stuttering tends to run in families. Stuttering resulting from other causes

Speech fluency can be disrupted from causes other than developmental stuttering. A stroke, traumatic brain injury, or other brain disorders can cause speech that is slow or has pauses or repeated sounds (neurogenic stuttering).

Speech fluency can also be disrupted in the context of emotional distress. Speakers who do not stutter may experience dysfluency when they are nervous or feeling pressured. These situations may also cause speakers who stutter to be less fluent.

Speech difficulties that appear after an emotional trauma (psychogenic stuttering) are uncommon and not the same as developmental stuttering/stammering,

Males are much more likely to stutter than females are. Factors that increase the risk of stuttering include:

Delayed childhood development. Children who have developmental delays or other speech problems may be more likely to stutter.
Having relatives who stutter. Stuttering tends to run in families.
Stress. Stress in the family, high parental expectations or other types of pressure can worsen existing stuttering.


Detail Assessment

  • Fluency assessment
  • Severity scale Assessment
  • Detail Report

Monthly package

  • Detail assessment
  • Therapy Device for one month
  • Parental Training
  • Four Therapy sessions

Three month package

  • Detail assessment
  • Therapy Device for three month
  • Training
  • Twelve Therapy sessions
  • Full Progress Report

Why choose our speech and language development Service?

95 % success rate.
Clinically proven
No recurrence
Experienced clinical team
Sound X engine technology
speedy Fluency development
Use only 30 minutes a day
Therapy session
Treatment plan
Full Practice material is provided
Improve fluency in speech , reading, conversation
over all improvement in Daily life style
Full customer support

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Drspectra provides advanced technology based treatment for stammering problem. Where detailed evaluation of stammering is done by using advanced device and standard performa. After that he/she is suggested the best solution Speakfluent device under guidance of professional for improving speaking skills of person with stammering problem. Treatment is given with complete services along with Speakfluent device. The team of professionals works for rapid improvement in speaking fluency of person with stammering. Regular monitoring progress of fluency and setting goals and task are highly helpful in fast fluency development in short duration.

Yes, stammering can be manageable with regular use of anti-stammering device. Sucess rate is 90-95%. Speakfluent device is combined with auditory and visual feedback that directly works on auditory processing area of brain that result in fast improvement in fluency and reduction in stammering rapidly. Treatment is given with complete services along with speakfluent device .the team of professional works of rapid improvement in speaking fluency of person with stammering. Regular monitoring progress of fluency and setting gaols and task are highly helpful in fast fluency development in short duration.

Generally within 1st month, fluency can be achieved upto 50% .Total duration of treatment is 3-4 months.

Speakfluent is an innovative handy advanced technology based Anti -stammering device that works on auditory processing area of brain to improve stammering. For more details please visit speakfluent page in products.

There is no chance of reoccurrence of stammering after treatment.

No , there is no side effect of this treatment .

No, you need to do 30 minute practice in a day.

500+ people have been treated till now

No, you need to visit first time for assessment and training. After this, we give device for home. You need to do practice at home for 30 minute a day. We do follow-up via phone or video call.


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